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HomeMobile App Poll

So the mobile era is here—today, the number of mobile users is greater than
the number of desktop users!

After reading the below, please take the time to take the short poll below.

Club Express will be offering a new and improved app to go along with the website. There is NO price to the members to download and use it. There is a one time fee to the club, which was previously $250, which may change when they have it updated. You may be asking yourself, would you use it? Here are some things to think about:

Users use more time on apps. Mobile users spend 88% of their time on mobile apps 

and just 12% of their time on mobile websites.

Apps and websites can have different benefits depending on the situation:

  • Speed - Apps can be faster than websites because they are already downloaded to a device and don't need to load content from a server.
  • User experience - Apps can be more immersive and interactive than websites, especially when designed for mobile devices. Apps can also be optimized for touch inputs and smaller screens.
  • Offline access - Apps can allow users to access content and complete transactions without an internet connection.
  • Notifications - Apps can send push notifications to users to share news or promote new products.
  • Convenience - Apps can be more convenient for daily use, such as booking flights, shopping, or ordering coffee.
  • Compatibility - Apps can be compatible with multiple devices and operating systems.

Messaging and Notifications

  • Direct Messaging - Once members have opted in to received direct messages, members can message each other through the app. They can also create ad hoc groups and message multiple people at the same time. Members can opt-in and opt-out of a group, report messages that are inappropriate, and block people from whom they don't want to receive messages.
  • In-App Notifications - Through the website, administrators can send mobile Notifications directly to members using the app. This interface is similar to emailing and text messaging. It allows you to create complex distribution lists to send to selected members or to exclude member groups. Members will also automatically receive device notifications when new direct messages have been received or when they have missed messages in chat channels.
  • Notification Center  - The member notification center allows members to view their full history of notifications. Members receive notifications for direct messaging requests, unread messages, general club notifications, and unread chat messages.

Channel-based Features

  • Meets - uses the geolocation features of the member's device to help them meet other channel members. Member participation in Meets is entirely optional; if they are concerned about privacy, they simply don't make themselves visible. But if members are in a time and place where they’re open to meeting other channel members, they can make themselves visible for a specified period of time.
  • Directory - shows a list of channel members, allowing members to look each other up. This function respects the visibility settings defined on the website. It also integrates with email, texting, and calling on the user's mobile device.
  • Chat - this is a live chat function similar to those provided by Facebook, WhatsApp, Slack and other popular platforms, but limited to the members of a specific channel. Chat displays a sequence of messages posted by channel members, each message including the member's avatar or initials, their name and the date/time when the message was posted. Members write messages up to 500 characters in length; they can also include an image, external links, or links to an event or poll in each message. The Chat function also includes live notifications through your device whenever new messages are posted to a channel chat. There is also a "Like" function and admin tools to edit or delete inappropriate messages. 
  • Events - this is a calendar specific to the channel. It also allows members to create their own QuickEvents to share with other channel members.
  • Polls - this is a quick poll function, allowing channel members to vote on issues of importance to them. It also allows members to create their own Polls to share with other channel members.
  • Channels - The mobile app is built around "channels", which are generally defined by administrators through the website Control Panel. You can have as many channels as you want and channels can be defined in different ways.


There are many things to think about when it comes to purchasing a custom app for our Club. Will you use it? Is the cost worth it? I hope that this poll helps us find which generation you are from, and your opinion of moving forward with the app or not. As the webmaster, I feel it would be a great benefit, especially with recruiting new members, which are going to be the younger generation. We need to think about the future and the ever changing technology world. I hop you will take the time to look over this and vote.
Thank you, 
Heather Adams

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CarExpress App